90B c'est votre émission nouveautés, rencontres en tous genres et infos-concerts animée par Yann.
Playlist 90 B 4 mars 11 : Il aime les dauphins + ...
Rubik, Luc, Miss Mary Mack, Drive by truckers, Beady Eye, Jay Jay Johanson...
Luc - Blue lies - Blablabla - Another Record The Strokes - New York city cops - Is this it? - RCA Drive by truckers - Cartoon gold - Go go boots - ATO Miss Mary Mack - Tumour and sour - Yesterday, a part of me - Makhno Beady Eye - Bring the light - Different light, still speeding - Beady Eye Records Wanda Jackson - Like a baby - The party ain't over - Third Man Records Jay Jay Johanson - Blind - Spellbound - Universal Chet Baker - The thrill is gone - Chet Baker sings - Blue Note Records Connan Mockasin - Forever dolphin love - Forever dolphin love - Because Rubik - Not a hero - Solar - Talitres Gangpol & Mit - The 1000 people band pt. 2 - The 1000 softcore... - Ipecac Prosperi Buri - Biggest mistake - Single - In My Bed Luc - Clever monkey - Blablabla - Another Record