Autry Inman : Ballad of two bros.
Larry Verne : Mr Custer
The Combenashuns : Hey! Uncle Sam
The Unknown Masterminds : King of the Radical Right
Bobby Jameson : Vietnam
The Monks : Monk time
The Fugs : Kill for peace
David Clayton-Thomas : Brainwashed
Psychedelic Psoul : Draft beer, not students
Bryan Dunkettle : I don' t follow war no more
Claude Channes : L' amour pas la guerre
Freddy Houragane : Hécatombes
Stu Philips : Bill flips
Arthur Brown : Fire
Dr John : The patriotic flag-weaver
Sergio Mendès : For what it' s worth
The Third Rail : From a parachute
The Beacon Street Union : South end incident
The Bob Seeger System : 2+2=?
David Peel & The Lower East Side : Hey, Mr draftboard / God
Thanh Mai : Toc mai sqi vam sqi dai
Stu Philips : Comin' back