Ultimate Spinach : Your head is reeling
The Strawberry Alarm Clock : Pretty song from Psych-Out
JLC 35 : BZH
Santa-Maria : Donne-moi ton coeur et ta fleur
The Psychedelic Psoul : My rainbow life
The Holy Mackerel : Wildflowers
Charley Cuva : Go Lucky Airlines
The Executives : Moving in a circle
The Sunshine Company : Four in the morning
Injun Joe : Indian priest
The Grassroots : Hot bright lights
Pisces : Mary
The Music Emporium : Times like this
The United States Of America : The american way of love
The Rotary Connection : Let them talk
The Tangerine Zoo : Symphonic Psyche
White Noise : My game of loving
The Elephant 's Memory : Midnight cowboy
Kevin Ayers : The oyster & the flying fish
Kuno & The Marihuane Brass : Marihuana mantra
Alan David : Flower power
The Jefferson Handkerchief : I' m allergic to flowers
The 18th Century Concepts : Happy together