R.I.P. Billy "Norton Records" Miller 1954-2016
C’est la reprise
Lydia Lunch - Spooky (Classics IV cover) - Queen of siam - ZE Records
Disque d’or de la semaine
Lee Fields & The Expressions - Never be another you - Special night - Big Crow Records
RIP Billy Miller
The Lollipop Shop - You must be a witch - Just colour - UNI
Benny Joy - Button nose - Wild wild lover - Norton Records
The A Bones - Jugue - The life of Riley - Norton Records
The Staches - Plastic phrases - Placid faces - Bongo Joe
Total Victory - Holy cross - National service
PWR BTTM - West Texas
The Moonlandingz - Psych ersatz (ERC Rasper Four Eyes De-Mix) - EP - Black hanz - Transgressive Records
Usé - Respire - Chien d’la casse - Born Bad
The Olympians - Apollo’s mood - S/t - Daptone Records
Partenariats ferarock
The Wanton Bishops - Hitman - Nowhere everywhere - Kartel Music
Dr (Dr)One - The letter (Kehlani cover) - Dance With You - Johnkôôl Records